The factors that influence oral health-related quality of life in young adults
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Sep 22, 2018
Sun L, et al. - For 18-year-old young adults, researchers analyzed sociodemographic and clinical factors that may influence oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL). In this cross-sectional study, a total of 300 eligible subjects (165 females, 135 males) from Hong Kong were analyzed. As per findings, OHRQoL was impacted by family ecosocial factors and malocclusion. HRQoL was mainly affected by household income, among the family ecosocial factors. The impact of malocclusion was mainly seen in the subscales of psychological discomfort and psychological disability. There was no correlation between young adults’ OHRQoL and gender, periodontal status, and caries.
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