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The efficacy of dose increments of botulinum toxin A in the treatment of childhood esotropia

Clinical Ophthalmology Jan 14, 2021

Alshamlan FT, Al Abdulhadi HA, Alwalmany MM, et al. - Researchers conducted this prospective study to examine the effectiveness of dose increments of botulinum toxin A (BTA) for the treatment of specific ranges of angle deviation. Participants in the study were patients (n = 56) presenting with esotropia to Dhahran Eye Specialist Hospital between 2016 and 2020, who were managed by a single surgeon. Data reported that the mean pre-treatment angle of deviation was 38.6 ± 2.5 PD. The use of BTA in dose increments is safe, reliable and can be more cost-effective with less occurrence of complications associated with BTA. Different diagnoses of esotropia have different clinical responses. In order to better predict the outcome of using dose increments, however, larger studies are required.

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