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The efficacy and safety of continuous vs single-injection popliteal sciatic nerve block in outpatient foot and ankle surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Oct 20, 2019

Ma HH, et al. - A comprehensive literature review was done and five RCTs that contrasted the efficiency and safety of continuous popliteal sciatic nerve block (CPSNB) with the single-injection popliteal sciatic nerve block group were involved in order to confirm the efficiency of CPSNB relative to superior pain relief and decreased analgesics intake and to evaluate the safety of CPSNB. Compared with the single-injection group, at postoperative 24 and 48 h, CPSNB was related to a lower visual analog scale score. No neuropathic symptoms or infection incidents following the nerve block was discovered. Nevertheless, with drug leakage being the most prevalent complication (N = 26 of 187), various minor complications correlated with the pump and catheter system were seen. Hence, in pain management, for outpatient foot and ankle surgery, CPSNB is an efficient method. Since no individual encountered neuropathic symptoms or infection, both procedures seems to be safe.
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