The effects of preoperative blood pressure on early failure rate of distal arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis access
Hemodialysis International Jul 12, 2019
Pandey S, et al. - In this prospective observational study run for 2 years, researchers examined patients (n=224) who underwent distal radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula (AVF) creation by surgeons with an experience of greater than five cases, to assess how early AVF failure is influenced by preoperative blood pressures. The definition of early failure, used in this study, was failure to achieve vascular access from the fistula within first 4 months of its creation. Findings revealed 27.7% as the overall early failure rate. Females and diabetic patients more commonly suffered early failure. Early failure of distal radiocephalic AVF was predicted by lower preoperative diastolic and mean arterial pressures, as revealed in a multivariable adjusted analysis. In this study, lower preoperative blood pressure was seen in patients with early failure of AVFs.
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