The effects of intrauterine insemination and single embryo transfer or modified natural cycle in vitro fertilization on offspring’s health – Follow-up of a randomized clinical trial
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology Oct 06, 2019
Mintjens S, Menting MD, Gemke RJBJ, et al. - Researchers examined the effect of ovarian hyperstimulation and/or the in vitro procedure of assisted reproduction on the neurodevelopmental and physical health of the offspring. They performed random allocation of infertile couples to intrauterine insemination with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation, modified natural cycle in vitro fertilization (IVF-MNC) or single embryo transfer IVF. Neurodevelopmental and physical health were assessed in childhood (4-7 years). Using age-appropriate questionnaires, assessment of behavioral problems (Child Behavior Check List) and executive functioning (Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function) was done. Of the 333 children born in the study, 191 (57%) children were assessed at a mean age of 5.5 years (range 4.0 – 7.6 years). This study suggests no differences in neurodevelopmental and physical health between ovarian hyperstimulation and/or the in vitro procedure of assisted reproduction.
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