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The effects of exercise dosage on neck-related pain and disability: A systematic review with meta-analysis

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy Nov 04, 2020

Wilhelm MP, Donaldson M, Griswold D, et al. - The intervention systematic review with meta-analysis and meta-regression was conducted to explore if exercise therapy is effective for managing neck pain, and to evaluate the association between exercise therapy dosage and treatment effect. The randomized controlled trials were designed to compare exercise therapy to a no-exercise therapy control for treating neck pain. The random-effects meta-analysis was applied to pool data. Researchers applied meta-regression to examine the impact of exercise dosage on neck pain and disability. The data exhibited that exercise was beneficial for decreasing pain and disability, regardless of exercise therapy dosage. Thus, optimal exercise dosage recommendations remain unknown. When managing mechanical neck pain, they encourage clinicians to use the exercise.

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