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The effects of different repair methods for a posterior root tear of the lateral meniscus on the biomechanics of the knee: a finite element analysis

Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research May 08, 2021

Wang JY, Qi YS, Bao HRC, et al. - In this study, the effect of different repair methods for a lateral meniscus posterior root tear on the biomechanics of the knee joint using finite element analysis was investigated. Researchers developed finite element models of a healthy knee on the basis of MRI data from a volunteer using Mimics software, and the validity of the models was evaluated. They further examined and compared changes in the contact mechanics and kinematics of these finite element models under different repair approaches. The findings illustrate that for lateral meniscal posterior root avulsions, repair surgery can effectively restore the contact mechanics and kinematics of the knee joint, and the double-stitch technique can result in better clinical outcomes than the single-stitch technique.

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