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The effects of blood pressure on post stroke cognitive impairment BP and PSCI

The Journal of Clinical Hypertension Nov 26, 2021

Wang Y, Li S, Pan Y, et al. - Post-ischemic stroke, worse cognition was observed in relation to the presence of systolic blood pressure (SBP) more than 140 mm Hg. At 3-month and 1 year post-stroke, better cognitive outcomes were reported in patients with SBP lower than 140 mm Hg.

  • In this sub-study of the Impairment of CognitiON and Sleep after acute ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack in Chinese patients (ICONS) study, a total of 682 patients (mean age was 59.35 ± 10.40 years and 72.29% were men) were assessed for cognitive changes after 3 and 12 months post stroke.

  • Post-stroke cognitive impairment patients exhibiting high SBP (≥140 mm Hg) at 3 m were found to have worse cognition [by MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment) scores] at 3 m and also predicted worse scores at 12 m.

  • On dividing patients into cognitively stable/improved (MoCA score ≥0, 2w vs 12 m) and cognitively impaired (MoCA score ≤-2, 2w vs 12 m), those exhibiting high SBP had more chances to be cognitively impaired (OR 2.17) and less probability to be cognitively stable/improved (OR 0.66).

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