The effectiveness of using the critical shoulder angle and acromion index for predicting rotator cuff tears: Accurate diagnosis based on standard and nonstandard anteroposterior radiographs
Arthroscopy Aug 23, 2019
Tang Y, Hou J, Li Q, et al. - Researchers examined the utility of assessing the critical shoulder angle (CSA) and acromion index (AI) on nonstandard anteroposterior (AP) radiographs in diagnosing rotator cuff tear (RCT). In addition, they sought to ascertain the optimized parameters. AP radiographs of 174 patients with RCTs or intact rotator cuffs were assessed by 2 independent radiologists and were grouped according to the Suter-Henninger criteria. Outcomes support the utility of both the CSA and AI on standard AP films for predicting rotator cuff disorders; a higher diagnostic accuracy of CSA vs AI was observed. In contrast, on nonstandard AP films, the AI had better diagnostic efficacy than the CSA. This study thereby emphasizes evaluating the AP films of patients before diagnosis to establish if the AP films meet the criteria for standard AP films.
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