The effect of therapeutic IOP-lowering interventions on the 24-hour ocular dimensional profile recorded with a sensing contact lens
Journal of Glaucoma Apr 01, 2019
Cutolo CA, et al. - In this study, 182 eyes of 182 participants were examined to study the influence of various intraocular pressure (IOP)-lowering interventions on contact lens sensor (CLS) parameters along with their relationship with Goldmann applanation tonometry (GAT)-measured IOP reduction. They noted 33% of cases were given topical medications, 38% of subjects underwent laser whereas 53 individuals were undergone surgery. They recorded the mean GAT IOP change of 3.6±6.5 mm Hg. They noted an overall significant change in CLS parameters after surgery when compared to the other groups (surgery>laser=drug). Surgery was the most predictive factor of greatest percentage change in CLS signals. They concluded more pronounced effect of incisional glaucoma surgery on GAT and CLS parameters than laser and drugs.
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