The effect of surface treatments on the mechanical and optical behaviors of CAD/CAM restorative materials
Journal of Prosthodontics Apr 19, 2018
Kurtulmus-Yilmaz S, et al. - Authors assessed the impact of different surface treatments on mechanical and optical properties of lithium disilicate ceramic (IPS e.max CAD), 2 resin nanoceramics (Lava Ultimate, GC Cerasmart), and polymer-infiltrated ceramic network material (Vita Enamic). The flexural strength and optical properties of CAD/CAM restorative materials were affected by the surface treatments. For CAD/CAM materials, Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation with 2 W energy level could be an alternative surface treatment method. A significant decrease in the translucencies of resin-based materials after all surface treatment applications was noted.
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