The effect of sagittal and coronal balance on patient-reported outcomes following mobile-bearing total ankle replacement
The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Apr 11, 2019
Johnson-Lynn S, et al. - To ascertain the comparative significance of pre- and post-total ankle replacement (TAR) coronal and sagittal balance on postoperative patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs), researchers assessed 101 ankles in 99 subjects in this retrospective cohort study. No significant difference was noticed among the cases concerning the anterior or posterior translation of the talus preoperatively. They found no statistically significant associations between any preoperative measure and any domain of the PROM data. They observed significant relationships between postoperative medial distal tibial angle and the function domain of the FAOS and the AOFAS hindfoot-ankle score. They suggested an association of coronal plane alignment (measured by the medial distal tibial angle) with the postoperative function (estimated on the AOFAS hindfoot-ankle and FAOS function subscales).
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