The effect of resorbable membranes on one-stage ridge augmentation in anterior single-tooth replacement: A randomized, controlled clinical trial
Clinical Oral Implants Research Jan 04, 2018
Jonker BP, et al. - Researchers planned this study to assess the effect of resorbable membranes on one-stage ridge augmentation procedures in small (2-4 mm) buccal bony dehiscences in anterior maxillary single-tooth replacement. A less marginal bone loss was observed when using a resorbable membrane in small buccal bony dehiscences in anterior maxillary single-tooth replacement. However, it showed more mucosal dehiscences, higher bleeding scores and lower scores on root convexity and soft tissue color after at least 1 year of loading. As per findings, no effect was noticed on implant survival and success, overall esthetic results, and patient satisfaction.
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