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The effect of preoperative ureteral stenting in retrograde intrarenal surgery: A multicenter, propensity score-matched study

BMC Urology Sep 18, 2020

Yuk HD, Park J, Cho SY, et al. - Given that stent placement prior to retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) can theoretically expand the ureter to better access and remove stones, therefore, researchers ascertained how preoperative ureteral stenting can impact access and surgery. Patients who received RIRS between January 2010 and December 2016 at multiple centers were examined retrospectively. Two groups of patients were defined depending on whether or not a ureteral stent was inserted preoperatively. Findings revealed that operative outcomes remained unaffected by preoperative ureteral stenting but it afforded an increase in the success rate of access sheath placement. Based on the patient’s features, consideration can be given to preoperative ureteral stenting as an adjunctive choice when access sheath insertion is considered during RIRS.

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