The effect of patient compliance on remission rates in pediatric noninfectious uveitis
Journal of AAPOS Nov 05, 2019
Ashkenazy N, et al. - In pediatric noninfectious uveitis, researchers identified barriers to compliance and explored its connection with achieving steroid-free remission. Between September 2015 and March 2017, pediatric patients with noninfectious uveitis on immunomodulatory therapy treated at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School and Children’s Medical Center (Dallas, TX) were identified. In total, 57 patients with noninfectious uveitis requiring immunosuppressive therapy met the criteria for inclusion. According to this retrospective analysis, noncompliant patients with noninfectious pediatric uveitis requiring immunomodulatory therapy had a lower rate of steroid-free remission vs patients with full compliance. Notable compliance barriers included regimens requiring > 3 drugs, negligence of the patient/parent, transportation problems, family strife, and presence of an associated systemic autoimmune disease.
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