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The effect of oral statin therapy on strabismus in patients with thyroid eye disease

Journal of AAPOS Aug 07, 2018

Reynolds AL, et al. - Experts gauged the impact on strabismus related to thyroid eye disease (TED) seen with oral statin therapy. Participants were patients with a diagnosis of both TED and restrictive strabismus, both on an oral statin and not. Despite having more current smokers (36% vs 5%), more males, more RAI, and fewer thyroidectomies, all of which are associated with worse TED, statin users demonstrated fewer decompressions, less restriction, fewer surgeries, and fewer muscles involved vs nonusers. The number of orbital decompressions was significantly reduced by statin therapy in the patients with TED and strabismus. The number and amount of strabismus surgeries, as well as radiographic indication of muscle involvement, were reduced by oral statin therapy, but these were not statistically significant.

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