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The effect of maintaining high hemoglobin levels on long-term kidney function in kidney transplant recipients: A randomized controlled trial

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Dec 21, 2018

Tsujita M, et al. - Researchers investigated the impact of sustained maintenance of target hemoglobin (Hb) concentrations at a high level (12.5–13.5 g/dL, n = 64) with either darbepoetin alfa or epoetin beta pegol vs maintenance of a low Hb concentration (10.5–11.5 g/dL, n = 63) on graft function decline rate during 3-year follow-up in kidney transplantation recipients enrolled in an open-label, multicenter, randomized controlled trial. At 3 months, the high Hb group had mean Hb concentrations increased to >12 g/dL, reaching the target range at 18 months. A significantly greater decline rate of the estimated glomerular filtration (eGFR) rate was observed in the low Hb group vs in the high Hb group. Cardiovascular events and return to hemodialysis was reported in only a few high Hb patients, but not in the low Hb patients. Overall, anemia correction to the target Hb level range (12.5–13.5 g/dL) resulted in slowing of the renal function deterioration by >3 years in the chronic phase of allograft nephropathy.
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