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The effect of inhaled corticosteroids in the outcomes of community‐acquired pneumonia: ICCAP study (TURKCAP Database)

The Clinical Respiratory Journal Apr 09, 2020

Baha A, Kokturk N, Bahcecioglu SN, et al. - Researchers undertook this retrospective cross‐sectional multicentre analysis to determine the impact of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) in the results of community‐acquired pneumonia (CAP), as well as investigated whether ICS usage exist among the risk factors for death in those patients. For this purpose, they used CAP Database of Turkish Thoracic Society (TURKCAP Database), and identified 1,069 hospitalised CAP patients. Findings revealed that among patients with CAP admitted to the hospital, there was no independent link of ICS use with any radiological pattern, hospitalisation duration and mortality. The consequences of ICS usage may include diminished fever response and suppression of the findings of crackles and/or bronchial sounds.

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