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The effect of increased frequency of hemodialysis on vitamin C concentrations: An ancillary study of the randomized Frequent Hemodialysis Network (FHN) Daily trial

BMC Nephrology May 23, 2019

Raimann JG, et al. - Among 44 subjects enrolled in the FHN Daily trial [comparing the impacts of in-center hemodialysis (HD) six vs three times per week], researchers analyzed baseline correlations between vitamin C and potentially associated parameters, and the influence of more frequent HD on circulating vitamin C levels. The study sample was 50 ± 12 years of age and comprised of 36% female, 29% Hispanics and 64% blacks, 60% anuric. Findings revealed that circulating plasma vitamin C levels were not significantly influenced by the intervention and this finding alleviates the concerns that more frequent HD would impact the levels of water-soluble vitamins and adversely influence the patient’s well-being. The significance of vitamin C for normal bone and mineral metabolism and anemia management was supported by the observed correlations between vitamin C and hemoglobin and parathyroid hormone.
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