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The effect of immediate postpartum levonorgestrel contraceptive implant use on breastfeeding and infant growth: A randomized controlled trial

Contraception Nov 09, 2018

Averbach S, et al. - Researchers investigated the effect of immediate postpartum insertion of levonorgestrel contraceptive implants vs delayed insertion at six to eight weeks postpartum on infant growth from birth to six months, the onset of lactogenesis, or breastfeeding continuation at three and six months postpartum. In this randomized trial of women in Uganda who wanted contraceptive implants postpartum, they randomly assigned participants to receive either immediate (within five days of delivery) or delayed (six to eight weeks postpartum) insertion of a two-rod levonorgestrel contraceptive implant system. As per findings, the timing of postpartum initiation of levonorgestrel contraceptive implants is not associated with the change in infant growth from birth to six months, the onset of lactogenesis, or breastfeeding continuation at three or six months postpartum.

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