The effect of high-intensity resistance exercise on lumbar musculature in patients with low back pain: A preliminary study
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jun 21, 2019
Berry DB, et al. - Fourteen patients with low back pain (a debilitating condition and a highly prevalent disease) were recruited by the researchers in order to evaluate the effect of high-intensity resistance exercise on lumbar extensor muscle size (cross-sectional area) and quality (fat fraction). A comparison of pre- and post-rehabilitation patient pain, disability, anxiety/depression, satisfaction, strength, and range of motion was carried out. Over the course of rehabilitation, no significant differences were obtained in muscle size or fatty infiltration. However, reduction in pain and stronger will at the conclusion of the program was observed. Also, betterment in muscle size and quality for both multifidus and erector spinae in association with improvements in disability, anxiety/depression, and strength was noticed. Hence, future research for the identification of the patients who would respond to this type of treatment is needed.
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