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The effect of glaucoma treatment using high‐intensity focused ultrasound on total and corneal astigmatism: A prospective multicentre study

Acta Ophthalmologica May 22, 2020

Marques RE, Sousa DC, Vandewalle E, et al. - This multicentre, prospective, single‐arm, open‐label study was undertaken to determine if the application of ultrasound beams targeting the ciliary body using an external probe influences astigmatism. Participants in the study were adult patients with primary open‐angle glaucoma and moderately uncontrolled intraocular pressure (IOP) under glaucoma medication. Subgroup analysis was conducted to evaluate the effect of device centring on corneal and total induced astigmatism. Participants in the study were 50 individuals (50 eyes) with a mean age of 69.6 ± 11.3 years. Findings suggested an association of ultrasound cycloplasty procedure with increased corneal astigmatism. Its impact on total refractive astigmatism, however, is less pronounced.

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