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The effect of distal tibial tuberosity high tibial osteotomy on postoperative patellar height and patellofemoral joint degeneration

Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Oct 14, 2020

Han C, Li X, Tian X, et al. - In this study, the impact of distal tibial tuberosity high tibial osteotomy (DTT-HTO) on patella height and patellofemoral joint congruity based on the severity of patellofemoral joint osteoarthritis (OA) was explored. Researchers included a total of 29 patients (33 knees) who had undergone DTT-HTO and second-look arthroscopy when the implant was removed between January 2018 and May 2020. They measured the weight-bearing line ratio (WBLR) to evaluate lower limb alignment. They arthroscopically evaluated cartilage lesion in the patellofemoral joint during surgery and implant removal by the International Cartilage Repair Society grading system at 18–24 months after surgery. The results of this study exhibited that DTT-HTO can effectively prevent patellar infera, and its impacts on postoperative patellofemoral joint congruity and patellofemoral joint OA progression are inconspicuous. They recommended this method as a treatment of varus knee combined with patellar infera or patellofemoral joint OA.

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