The effect of diabetes on tooth loss due to periodontal disease: A nationwide population-based cohort study in South Korea
Journal of Periodontology Dec 19, 2018
Yoo JJ, et al. - Researchers compared the risk of tooth loss due to periodontal disease between diabetic and non-diabetic individuals and estimated the relative risk of tooth loss according to the severity and control of diabetes. They selected 10,215 individuals who diagnosed as diabetes in the Korean National Health Insurance Service in 2003 and the same number of individuals who had never been diagnosed with diabetes during the period covered by the National Health Insurance Service – National Sample Cohort (NHIS-NSC) with propensity score matching. Within the limits of this retrospective cohort study, findings suggested higher risk of tooth loss among diabetic individuals than that among non-diabetic individuals. With increasing numbers of dental visits the risk of tooth loss declined and increased with the severity of diabetes.
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