The effect of body mass index on retropubic midurethral slings
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dec 22, 2018
Bach F, et al. - Researchers analyzed 11,859 anonymised midurethral slings from the British Society of Urogynaecology database to evaluate the effect of body mass index on patient reported outcome measures. A decline in Patient Reported Global Impression of Improvement was noted with the increase in body mass index. Among women with a normal (18-<25) body mass index, 91.6% of cases reported feeling better compared 87.7%-72% of the women in body mass index groups >30. These results suggest poorer outcomes after midurethral sling surgery in association with increased body mass index, and patients should be given the opportunity to change this modifiable variable. These data may assist in developing a model to foretell personalized success and complication rates, which may enhance shared decision-making and give an impetus to modify characteristics to improve outcomes.
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