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The effect of body mass index in 30-day complications after revision total hip and total knee arthroplasty

Journal of Arthroplasty Feb 20, 2019

Roth A, et al. - Using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Project (ACS-NSQIP) database, researchers examined 18,866 individuals to investigate the impact of BMI on 30-day complications after aseptic revision total knee arthroplasty (rTKA) and aseptic revision total hip arthroplasty (rTHA). They compared 30-day rates of readmissions, reoperations, and major as well as minor complications between different weight categories ie, overweight: BMI >25 and ≤30 kg/m2; obese: BMI >30 and ≤40 kg/m2; morbidly obese: BMI >40 kg/m2 and the normal weight category between BMI >18.5 and ≤25 kg/m2. They observed an increase in both readmission rates and reoperation rates for rTKA with an increase in BMI. A stronger relationship was noticed between BMI and perioperative complication for revision TKA as compared to revision THA.
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