The effect of a randomized 12-week soy drink intervention on everyday mood in postmenopausal women
Menopause Aug 06, 2019
Simpson EA, Furlong ON, Parr HJ, et al. - In this novel study, researchers examined how various doses of dietary soy drink influence everyday mood stability and variability in postmenopausal women. Consumption of daily either a low (10 mg, n = 35), medium (35 mg, n = 37), or high (60 mg, n = 29) dose of isoflavones, for 12 weeks was reported in 101 community-dwelling women, within 7 years postmenopause. At baseline and follow-up, these women were assessed for menopausal symptoms and repeated measures of everyday mood (positive [PA] and negative [NA] affect) (assessed at 4-time points per day for 4 consecutive days, using The Positive and Negative Affect Schedule). The analysis revealed no effect of soy isoflavones on mood at any of the doses tested. Between-group differences were evident, with the medium dose reporting higher positive affect and the low dose reporting higher NA in mood scores. The overall sample displayed a decline in psychological and vasomotor scores from baseline to follow-up.
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