The diagnosis and treatment of isolated type B fibular fractures: Results of a nationwide survey
Injury Jan 09, 2019
van Leeuwen CAT, et al. - Researchers undertook an online survey inviting 559 trauma surgeons, to ascertain the current practice and treatment of type B fractures among Dutch trauma- and orthopaedic surgeons. Among the 161 respondents, 32.0% treat more than 30 ankle fractures a year. Based on regular mortise radiographs, surgical treatment is chosen by 13.6% of the respondents in case of a medial clear space (MCS) > 4 mm, 33.8% in case of a MCS > 6 mm and 45.5% in case of a MCS > 4 mm in addition to the MCS ≥ superior clear space + 1 mm. Furthermore, additional diagnostics (43.9% repeat mortise view after a week, 16.6% weight bearing radiograph, 8.6% gravity stress view, 7.9% exorotation radiograph, 6.5% MRI scan, 0.7% ultrasound, 16.8% other) are used by 18.2%. Eight percent of the respondents did not make their decision on mortise radiograph. These findings reveal a rare performing of additional diagnostics such as MRI or gravity stress test in cases with a MCS 4-6 mm. Consequently, unnecessary operative management is provided in many stable ankle fractures.
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