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The dermatoscopic spectrum of cutaneous lupus erythematosus: A retrospective analysis by clinical subtype with clinicopathological correlation

Dermatologic Therapy Nov 23, 2020

Apalla Z, Papadimitriou I, Iordanidis D, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective, observational, multicenter, cohort study to assess the dermatoscopic features in a cohort of patients diagnosed with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE), as well as to examine their frequency per clinical subtype and correlated them with the anatomic alterations. Seventy-nine patients were included in this analysis. Follicular plugs, patchy distribution of mostly linear curved vessels, white scales, and structureless white color were the most prevalent dermatoscopic features of CCLE. The most common criteria of subacute CLE were patchy distribution of mostly linear curved vessels and fine white scales, whereas acute CLE was characterized by erythema and patchy distribution of mostly dotted vessels. In dermatoscopy, follicular plugs/rosettes strongly correlated with follicular plugs in histology. White and yellow/brown scales, telangiectasia with linear curved vessels and white color with dermal fibrosis were strongly associated with hyperkeratosis. Distinct dermatoscopic patterns are recognized depending on CLE subtype. There is a high correlation in CLE between certain dermatoscopic criteria and the underneath anatomic alteration.

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