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The decline of hip fracture incidence rates over a 10-year period: A single centre experience

Injury Apr 22, 2021

Meagher E, Varghese S, Harty JA, et al. - This study was attempted to estimate the current age- and gender-specific incidence of hip fractures in a level 1 Trauma Centre in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), and the difference in these rates over a 10 year period. Researchers conducted a retrospective, population-based, observational study using the local Hospital In-Patient Enquiry database to generate data for analysis; capturing all patients admitted for hip fracture in three time periods over 10 years. Hospital In-Patient Enquiry and national census data were applied to compute age- and gender-specific incidence rate was calculated using. Despite rising susceptible population numbers, results are consistent with the global experience of declining overall incidence rate of hip fractures. As per the findings, this report adds to the sparse hip fracture incidence data available in the ROI which can be used in future healthcare planning strategies.

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