The cost-effectiveness of universal late-pregnancy screening for macrosomia in nulliparous women: A decision analysis
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Aug 13, 2019
Wastlund D, Moraitis AA, Thornton JG, et al. - Using health economic simulation model, researchers sought the most cost-effective policy for detection and management of fetal macrosomia in late-stage pregnancy. From the UK National Health Service, nulliparous women in the third trimester were examined for long-term maternal–fetal health and cost outcomes for two detection strategies (universal ultrasound scanning at approximately 36 weeks of gestation vs selective ultrasound scanning), combined with three management strategies (planned caesarean section vs induction of labour vs expectant management) of suspected fetal macrosomia. The analysis suggests selective ultrasound scanning coupled with induction of labor to be the most cost-effective policy for detecting and managing fetal macrosomia for all suspected cases of macrosomia. Findings do not support the cost-efficacy of universal ultrasound scanning for macrosomia in late-stage pregnancy.
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