The correlation between facet tropism and intervertebral disc herniation in the subaxial cervical spine
Spine Feb 11, 2021
Wang Y, Chen G, Lin J, et al. - A retrospective case-control study was performed to evaluate the association between the facet tropism (FT) and subaxial cervical disc herniation (CDH). Researchers recruited a total of 200 patients with any disc herniation at C3/4, C4/5, C5/6, or C6/7 and 50 normal participants without CDH (normal control group). For patients, they categorized the cervical levels with CDH, and the levels without herniation into the “herniation group” and “patient control group,” respectively. The results of this study exhibited that FT on the sagittal, axial, and coronal planes are all correlated with CDH in the subaxial cervical spine. The study indicated that the greater facet angle at the left or right side does not affect the side of herniation. There was no relationship between the severity of cervical disc degeneration and FT.
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