The comparison of the renal cortex and the medulla for antibody mediated rejection
Nephrology May 17, 2019
Unlu M, et al. - In the diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection, whether the medulla holds any significance was determined in this study by focusing on peritubular capillaritis scoring both in the cortex and the medulla. Researchers re-assessed 51 allograft renal biopsy. Peritubular capillaritis both in the cortex and the medulla was present in 17 cases (33.3%). Peritubular capillaritis only in the cortex and only in the medulla was found in three (5.9%) and five (9.8%) cases, respectively. The medullar peritubular capillaritis predicting cortical peritubular capillaritis yielded a sensitivity of 85.7%, specificity of 86.7%, positive predictive value of 81.8%, and negative predictive value of 89.7%. Taking into account morphological characteristics, outcomes of DSA and renal function tests, antibody-mediated rejection can be diagnosed using medulla as a reference, in cases where the cortical tissue is unavailable.
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