The clinical outcomes of cementless unicompartmental knee replacement in patients with reduced bone mineral density
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Feb 05, 2020
Mohammad HR, et al. - The present study was undertaken to describe the midterm clinical outcomes of individuals with reduced BMD undergoing cementless unicompartmental knee replacements (UKR). Researchers conducted a prospective cohort study including a total of 70 individuals ( undergoing cementless UKR surgery), individuals were classified into normal (n = 20), osteopenic (n = 38) and osteoporotic groups (n = 12) based on their central dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry scans according to the World Health Organization criteria. They observed that individuals with reduced BMD could reliably undergo cementless UKR surgery and have similar clinical results to those with normal BMD. Nevertheless, future research with longer follow-up is required to confirm the findings and ensure that cementless fixation is safe in individuals with reduced BMD.
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