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The clinical outcomes and their associated factors in staged bilateral arthroscopic rotator cuff repair

Arthroscopy Sep 10, 2018

Rhee SM, et al. - The authors performed a comparison of perioperative characteristics and postoperative outcomes of both shoulders in patients who underwent arthroscopic bilateral rotator cuff repair sequentially. In addition, they investigated the associated factors that would affect the anatomic healing in staged bilateral rotator cuff repair. They evaluated Visual analog scale (VAS) pain and satisfaction scores, range of motion, the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons score, the Simple Shoulder Test score, and healing failure. Outcomes revealed good outcomes at final follow-up with bilateral arthroscopic rotator cuff repair on both sides. In both shoulders, tear size was closely related, and healing failure after the first rotator cuff repair was noted to be an associated factor with healing failure after the second operation.
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