The clinical outcome of arthroscopic vs open popliteal tendon reconstruction combined with posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in patients with type A posterolateral rotational instability
Arthroscopy Aug 11, 2019
Li Y, Zhang H, Zhang J, et al. - Individuals (n = 38) that had type A posterolateral rotational instability according to Fanelli's classification, who underwent arthroscopic (group A) or open popliteal tendon (PT) (group B) reconstruction and who were followed for a minimum of 2 years with second-look arthroscopic findings were involved in this study by the researchers in order to contrast the objective and subjective clinical outcomes of arthroscopic to open PT reconstruction combined with posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in individuals with type A posterolateral corner injury. All subjective and objective assessment results got significantly better when compared with the preoperative condition, at the final follow-up. In Lysholm score, Tegner score, or International Knee Documentation Committee subjective score, no notable intergroup variations at the final follow-up was observed. No variation in the side-to-side difference of posterior stress radiography or lateral gutter drive-through test positive rate was noted in terms of objective assessments. Hence, in individuals with type A posterolateral rotational instability, both arthroscopic and open PT reconstruction markedly increased the knee stability and subjective outcome. Moreover, the arthroscopic PT reconstruction demonstrated comparable subjective and objective clinical outcomes, when contrasted with the open procedure.
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