The clinical and radiological outcome of stages 1 and 2 enneking benign bone lesions with pathological fracture
Injury Feb 02, 2021
Eid Darwish A, Hasan BZ, Elgebery AO, et al. - In this study, the clinical and radiological outcomes of the treatment of patients with stages 1 and 2 Enneking benign bone-tumors presented with pathological fractures were explored. Between 2014 and 2018, researchers performed a retrospective study including a total of 66 patients who presented with a pathological fracture through stage 1 or 2 Enneking benign bone lesions and were received at the emergency unit of the orthopedic department. The study included a total of 66 patients, 45 males, and 21 females. The results revealed that the careful diagnosis of a pathological fracture through stages 1 and 2 Enneking benign bone tumors is essential before initiating treatment. Even with conservative treatment, these fractures have good potential for bone healing and a low incidence of complications. The findings suggested that the special surgical care of the lesion is not mandatory in all situations and should be individualized.
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