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The characteristic findings of an inverted-type discoid lateral meniscus tear: A hidden tear pattern

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders May 28, 2019

Shimozaki K, et al. - Patients with an inverted-type discoid lateral meniscus (DLM) tear were compared with those with a symptomatic and torn discoid meniscus without inverted tear patterns regarding their clinical history and physical and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. Between 2014 and 2016, researchers identified 12 patients who underwent arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for an inverted-type DLM tear (inverted group) and age-matched these patients with 12 controls who were extracted from many normal DLM tear cases. The inverted group had a significantly higher rate of traumatic history than the non-inverted group and occasionally had the characteristic MRI findings that are observed in patients with normal DLM tears. Physicians are recommended to suspect that an inverted-type DLM tear is present during diagnosis and to focus on the posterior horn to obtain the inverted sign on the MRI sagittal plane.
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