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The burden of unrecognised chronic kidney disease in patients with type 2 diabetes at a county hospital clinic in Kenya: Implications to care and need for screening

BMC Nephrology Mar 06, 2020

Otieno FCF, et al. - By performing this cross-sectional analysis at the out-patient of Nyeri County hospital in Central Kenya, researchers assessed the burden of undiagnosed chronic kidney disease (CKD) among ambulatory patients with type 2 diabetes who reside mainly in the rural area. The sample analyzed was comprised of 385 participants, including 252 (65.5%) females. Findings revealed the occurrence of unrecognized CKD of KDIGO stages 3,4 and 5 in over 30 % of the overall patients. Age > 50 years, long duration with diabetes > 5 years and hypertension were identified as risk factors that were significantly related to chronic kidney disease/KDIGO stages 3, 4 and 5. Taking these risk factors into account should aid the recognition of those who carry a high risk of developing CKD, for screening and linkage to care. They exhibit a high risk of progression to end-stage kidney disease and cardiovascular events. The imperative of screening for chronic kidney disease is availing care in publicly-funded hospitals.
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