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The association of tumor necrosis factor superfamily 13 with recurrence of immunoglobulin A nephropathy in living related kidney transplantation

BMC Nephrology Feb 06, 2019

Jo HA, et al. - Researchers investigated whether immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IgAN) recurrence after kidney transplantation could be predicted by the level of pre-transplant serum tumor necrosis factor superfamily 13 (TNFSF13). Participants were 69 patients with IgAN who had first kidney transplantation with no evidence of mesangial IgA deposits in zero-time transplantation biopsy. Clinical and laboratory data for these patients were analyzed. Pre-transplant serum TNFSF13, total IgA, and galactose-deficient IgA1 levels were also determined. Over a median follow-up duration of 5.1 years, 15.9% (11/69 patients) recurrence rate of IgAN was documented, with a mean time to the first recurrence of 1.7 years. Overall, findings revealed an association between high pre-transplant TNFSF13 level and IgAN recurrence after kidney transplantation among patients who received a graft from a living related donor.
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