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The association of the ankle-brachial index, the toe-brachial index, and their difference, with mortality and limb outcomes in dialysis patients

Hemodialysis International Feb 14, 2019

Prasad R, et al. - In view of the considered utility of taking the ankle-brachial index (ABI) and toe-brachial index (TBI) together in the form of their difference, the ABI-TBI, for assessing both atherosclerosis and calcification, researchers examined the relationship of these variables in 37 dialysis patients referred for vascular studies between 2009 and 2017 in the San Diego Veterans Administration Medical Center (SDVAMC). They determined associations between ABI, TBI, and the difference between them (ABI-TBI) with all-cause mortality and major adverse limb events (MALE), which includes revascularizations and amputations. Findings support ABI as an important initial risk stratification tool, however, for dialysis patients, TBI was identified to be a more informative predictor of mortality. They observed an increased risk of all-cause mortality among persons with TBI < 0.7.
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