The association of osteoporosis and bisphosphonate use with revision shoulder surgery after rotator cuff repair
Arthroscopy Jun 28, 2019
Cancienne JM, et al. - Two thousand seven hundred and six patients who underwent arthroscopic rotator cuff repair (ARCR) with a diagnosis of osteoporosis were recruited by the researchers in a retrospective cohort study, in order to investigate association between osteoporosis and the failure of ARCR that lead to revision surgery and to examine whether the use of bisphosphonates could influence the observed associations. Patients were randomized in the bisphosphonate study group (n=451); in the osteoporosis group, no-bisphosphonate control group (n=902); and in the non-osteoporosis control group (n=1,353). In comparison to patients without osteoporosis, a significantly higher rate of revision rotator cuff surgery was observed in patients with osteoporosis, including those to whom bisphosphonates were prescribed. However, no significant difference could be recognized in the rate of revision surgery between patients with osteoporosis who consumed bisphosphonates and age- and sex-matched patients with osteoporosis who didn't use bisphosphonates. Hence, in patients with osteoporosis compared with matched controls, this study could exhibit a substantial difference in the revision surgery rate post-ARCR.
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