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The association of mobility disability and obesity with risk of unemployment in two cohorts from Sweden

BMC Public Health Apr 02, 2019

Norrbäck M, et al. - Using two Swedish population-based cohorts, researchers assessed the risk of unemployment among people burdened with mobility disability (MD) and obesity vs people with only one or neither of these conditions. A total of 39,947 subjects were included in the national cohort and 40,088 in the regional cohort. They extracted baseline self-reported data on MD and body mass index from participants aged 19 to 64 years and defined six exposure groups. Findings revealed a higher risk of unemployment in the groups with MD and the obese group without MD, vs the reference group (normal-weight people without MD). With regard to unemployment risk, no difference was found between obese group with MD vs groups with only MD or obesity. In a country with a highly developed welfare system, the risk of prolonged unemployment during working life was seen in people with MD and/or obesity.

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