The association between vascular complications during pregnancy in women with Type 1 diabetes and congenital malformations
Diabetic Medicine Dec 06, 2018
Samii L, et al. - In pregnant women with Type 1 diabetes, researchers evaluated the relationship between vascular complications (retinopathy, nephropathy and pre-existing hypertension) of diabetes and the risk of congenital malformations. Study participants were women with Type 1 diabetes who received care consecutively from three tertiary care diabetes-in-pregnancy clinics in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The results obtained from the observational retrospective cohort study indicate that vascular complications are common in one-fifth of pregnant women with Type 1 diabetes and do not seem to be related to an increased risk of congenital malformations in children. In mothers with vascular complications, maternal age, diabetes duration and pre-eclampsia rate were higher than in those without.
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