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The association between serum vitamin D level and cognitive function in older adults: Cooper Center Longitudinal Study

Preventive Medicine Jun 01, 2018

Pavlovic A, et al. - Researchers analyzed the link between serum vitamin D and cognition as measured via the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in a healthy, older population from the Cooper Clinic in Dallas, TX. They used multivariable logistic regression analysis to assess the association between vitamin D blood level and MoCA score. A direct association of a low MoCA score with higher age was shown. A low MoCA score was found to be inversely related to female sex and years of education. A low MoCA score was significantly more likely to be reported in the low vitamin D group. Cardiorespiratory fitness was identified as a significant predictor of a low MoCA score. They also found that when cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) was added to the model, the vitamin D effect continued to be significant. Overall, low vitamin D was shown to be related to cognitive impairment and vitamin D supplementation may play a protective role in memory loss and/or age-associated cognitive decline.
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