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The association between prenatal maternal anxiety disorders and postpartum perceived and observed mother-infant relationship quality

Journal of Anxiety Disorders Sep 28, 2019

Nath S, Pearson RM, Moran P, et al. - Researchers examined if prenatal anxiety disorders influence postpartum mother-infant relationship quality, measured by maternal self-reported bonding and observed mother-infant interactions. From an inner-city maternity service in London (UK), a cohort of 454 pregnant women was assessed for mental disorders using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV and was followed up at mid-pregnancy and 3-months postpartum. Perceived bonding was measured using self-reported bonding questionnaire. The Child-Adult Relationship Experimental Index was used to code video-recorded mother-infant interactions. Findings revealed the association of prenatal anxiety disorders with higher perceived bonding impairment, but not with observed poor mother-infant interaction quality.
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