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The association between eGFR in the normal or mildly impaired range and incident cadiovascular disease: Age and sex analysis

European Journal of Internal Medicine May 26, 2018

Eisen A, et al. - Given that worse renal function, even in the normal or mildly impaired range, is associated with incident cardiovascular disease (CVD), the researchers investigated whether this relationship exists in both sexes across all ages. They conducted a population based cohort of individuals >22 years with no prior CVD and with an eGFR 60–130 ml/min/1.73 m2. Using the CKD-EPI formula, eGFR was calculated. The data presented in this work showed a higher eGFR even in the normal or mildly impaired range was associated with lesser incident CVD in men and women of all ages although incident CVD differs in men and women, as well as in different age-groups.
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