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The association between dietetic consultation and time to dialysis for patients attending a pre-dialysis clinic: A retrospective cohort study

Nephrology Aug 01, 2019

Notaras S, Galea L, Lee P, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study, researchers examined patients (n = 246) attending a pre-dialysis clinic, to determine the influence of dietetic consultation on time to dialysis for these patients. They compared patients that received dietetic consultation with those who did not in terms of time to dialysis (days). They also performed Cox proportional hazards analysis for adjustment of differences and confounders. At initial pre-dialysis clinic visit, the participants had a median eGFR of 16ml/min/1.73m2. During the study duration, 63% initiated dialysis. Dietetic consultation was received by only 41% of patients. Delayed time to dialysis was reported in relation to dietetic consultation provided to the participants. In order to optimise care, standardised referral pathways to improve patient access to renal dietetic services are advised.
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