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The association between circulating magnesium and clinically relevant outcomes in patients with chronic kidney disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Clinical Nutrition Dec 23, 2020

Leenders NHJ, Vermeulen EA, van Ballegooijen AJ, et al. - Researchers analyzed longitudinal studies examining the link of plasma magnesium level with clinically relevant results in adult patients suffering from chronic kidney disease, with a minimal follow-up of 6 months. All-cause death, cardiovascular death, cardiovascular events, sudden death and hospitalisation were evaluated as the primary outcomes of interest. PubMed, Embase and The Cochrane Library were explored to identify 6,156 records of which 33 studies, comprising 348,059 patients, fulfilled the eligibility criteria. Ultimately, a meta-analysis including 22 studies was performed. Findings revealed an inverse relationship of magnesium concentration with all-cause death and cardiovascular mortality and events. Thus, an improved risk in correlation with increasing magnesium may be seen in chronic kidney disease cases.

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