The arthroscopic Bankart repair procedure enables complete quantitative labrum restoration in long-term assessments
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy Apr 12, 2018
Bock J, et al. - Authors evaluated the restoration of the labrum complex and the influence on secondary osteoarthritis after arthroscopic Bankart repair on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Good clinical outcomes and complete quantitative labrum restoration parameters were enabled with arthroscopic Bankart repair. As per data, next to several well-known parameters, a significant correlation of secondary osteoarthritis after arthroscopic Bankart repair with osteoarthritic status of the uninjured contralateral shoulder was seen but it was not influenced by quantitative labrum restoration. Experts noted that recommendation for arthroscopic Bankart repair ought to be based on clinical parameters and not on prevention of secondary osteoarthritis.
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